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Our History and Mission

Under the guidelines of the National Credit Union Administration, the WEE Federal Credit Union was established in 1961 as a non-profit financial institution set up to serve the Wood County Educational Employees (Wood County, West Virginia) and their family members by providing a convenient way to save money as well as providing its members a way of borrowing money at a reasonable rate of interest. Like all federally chartered credit unions, WEE Federal Credit Union is owned by its members and run by a Board of Directors elected by its members at annual meetings.

In 1995, after thirty-four (34) years of service to its basic field of membership, the WEE Federal Credit Union merged with the members of the West Central Federal Credit Union. WEE Federal Credit Union then had all educational employees and their family members in a five county region of West Virginia. Counties included are Calhoun, Doddridge, Gilmer, Ritchie and Wood.

In 2002, the WEE Federal Credit Union again increased its field of membership to the underserved population that exists in the counties it serves.

Now its charter permits members, in addition to the people listed above, who live, work, worship, or attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in Calhoun, Doddridge, Gilmer, Ritchie and most of Wood County in West Virginia.

The WEE Federal Credit Union prides itself in serving its members with a personal touch in keeping with its motto “Small In Stature, Great in Service.”

If you are in the field of membership of the WEE Federal Credit Union . . .


Contact WEE Federal Credit Union today to discuss our services!

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